Job Vacancies

Hours: 28 hours a week

Travel: 45p per mile

Closing date: 22nd April 2024

We are seeking to hire a Helping Family Carers Development Officer.
The successful candidate for this role will be part of the Helping Family Carers Project, focused on supporting families with children with disabilities or long term health conditions. They will contact local organisations and groups to raise awareness of caring responsibilities and establish networks among various agencies, including schools, community groups and workplaces.  Additionally,  they will offer support and information for parent carers and offer skills sessions to ensure that they can balance work, their caring role and maintain their own health and well-being.  The role also entails maintaining precise and current case records. 

For further information or to have informal chat about the role please contact Emma Daniels – 01792 653344.

Bellow you will find the Job Pack, where all the necessary documents to apply for the job position can be downloaded. Please return your application to before the closing date.